Here, we have compiled 10 Interesting World Travel Facts that will be interesting to you. There are many reasons why you like to travel, right? Some reasons may be a weekend getaway, building new relationships, relaxing, escaping from life, or making new adventure memories.
Whatever the reason, travelers like us have one thing in common, “We have a love for travel.”
Life Of The Empty Nesters World Travels

Nancy and I have a wealth of traveling experience over the past 25 years. As many of you know, we have traveled too many beautiful destinations. Our love for travel includes 18 wonderful cruises, including many amazing destinations around the world. In addition, we have visited 23 USA states.

Exciting Upcoming World Travels
In 2020, we will also be sharing with all of you the following beautiful locations: Hawaii, Bora Bora, Moorea, Tahiti, New Zealand, Australia, Bali and Thailand. We will be relocating to Thailand, for approximately 3 years.

In 2021, the Apple Blossom Season, will bring us to Japan. We truly look forward to sharing our many upcoming world travels with all of you. While in Thailand, we will be visiting Vietnam and Cambodia.
Our future USA return plans, will bring all of us to Italy and Greece, before returning back to the beautiful USA.

In closing, Nancy and I were surprised about some of these 10 Interesting World Travel Facts. We think you will find them to be interesting as well.
Leave comments below and let us know what you think. We wish you happy and safe travels, in the years to come!

Interesting World Travel Facts

- The airline pilot and co-pilot are required to eat different meals before their flight. Airline safety is a must. The reasoning for this rule is to assure if either person should become ill due to food poisoning the other person would be able to fly the airplane. It would be very rare for both the pilot and co-pilot to feel ill at the same time.
- Statistically, planes are the safest mode of transport in the world. Yes, you should never be afraid to fly! The statistics do not lie. If you are looking for the safest way to travel look no further and enjoy your flight.
- Money spent on traveling to different locations makes people happier than spending money on material things. Like the saying goes, “The newness always wears off.” So true, the material things will be happiness in the beginning but this will wear off. However, the traveling memories will bring back memories throughout your lifetime.
- Las Vegas has the most hotel rooms in the world. Did you know? If you wanted to spend a night in every Las Vegas hotel room it would take approximately 288 years. There are approximately 150,000 hotel rooms with an occupancy rate of approximately 90%. Remember, what happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas.
- Traveling is not always expensive! Many people believe the cost of travel is holding them back. This theory is not true! You can seek cheap destinations. Think outside the box and find a cheaper way of transportation. Perhaps, you would be willing to stay in an inexpensive hotel or bring your tent along for some inexpensive camping memories.
5 World Travel Facts To Go
- Canada is the second largest country on Earth and has over 2,500,000 lakes. Here, you can find more lakes than the world combined. In addition, approximately 9% of Canada is taken up by freshwater.
- In Italy, you can find a ‘free’ wine fountain. Here, in Ortona, Italy you can enjoy a tasting while enjoying the beautiful Italy sights. The wine is provided by Dora Sarchese Vineyard. World travelers can enjoy the wine 24/7 and as if Italy was not already amazing! Happy Wine Tasting!!
- Norway is the best destination for observing the aurora borealis. Here, you have the best viewing chances due to the clear skies. In fact, the chances of witnessing this phenomena is excellent. You may also be able to enjoy this view throughout your entire stay.
- Every 60 seconds, approximately 2,173 people begin their travels in a foreign country. This fact should not surprise you. The popularity of travel has grown due to becoming more affordable and popular. Yes, more and more people are catching the travel bug.
- You experience jet lag more when traveling west to east. Yes, this fact has been scientifically proven. The reason being travels from west to east shortens the day. The travel makes it harder for our brains to adapt.

Happy Travels!
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