I am amazingly efficient- like before vacation. Are you? It always amazes me how much I can do. I can get an enormous amount of things done. We become super efficient!
We create a plan. I make lists and check them twice. Our focus is on target. Nothing can distract us from our goal. I will delegate and ask for help. Therefore, I don’t get overwhelmed. I will defer things that aren’t urgent and can wait for a later date. But most important we have a deadline!!!
Being Efficient
Is there a way that we can be this efficient everyday? I believe there is! At the end of the work day look at your calendar. Make a list of the 5 most important things to do tomorrow.
That way you are not wasting time trying to figure it out tomorrow morning. You can do this at the end of your day with your family as well. This will help keep the adults on the same page as well. You might remember that doctor’s appointment that you keep forgetting.
What’s On Your Plan
I have plans for so many things in my life. Have you ever found that if it’s not on the list or plan it doesn’t get done? I have a plan that has multiple sections. There is one section for each part of my day. I have an A.M. routine, work routine, and P.M. routine.

On my A.M. routine I have physical Needs (exercise), for me if I don’t do it first thing then it won’t get done. There is also what I am eating today? What appointments I have? How am I going to grow spiritually?

My work routine would be, what am I going to do to build my business? There is also learning needs, tasks or projects, and goals. But most importantly, is the 5 most important things to do list.

My P.M. routine would have the time that lights go out, reading and what ever you do daily. If it is not on the plan, it can get easily overlooked when you are in a hurry or stressed.
Pre-Travel Checklist
When we travel, which is very often, it is very important to me not to forget anything. So I have put together a pre-travel checklist to make it easier.
To get my free Pre-Travel Checklist, click the link below and add your email. I will send you a copy of the Pre-Travel Checklist.
I hope these things help make you super efficient- like before vacation!!!