Have you ever wanted to go to amazing Hawaii?? Nancy and I decided years before, Hawaii would be on our bucket list and with some planning we made our dream come true!! Hawaii is the best trip we have taken to this point in our life!!
Did you know?? Hawaii’s nickname is the “Aloha State.” The word aloha is derived from the Proto-Polynesian, alofa, and its meanings include “love,” “compassion,” and “mercy.” Aloha is used both as “hello” and “goodbye.”
Hawaii has two official languages, Hawaiian and English, though Pidgin, Samoan, and Tongan are also spoken. (50 Interesting Facts about Hawaii, Karin Lehnardt)
In April 2005, Nancy and I flew out of Logan Airport to Chicago O’Hare Airport. We then boarded another plane and continued our flight to Hawaii. The airline did offer movies during the approximately thirteen hour flight. Nancy enjoyed the movies while I slept most of the flight.
Needless to say, we were happy to land in Honolulu, Oahu. Upon landing, we were overly excited to arrive!! We picked up our luggage, received our lays and we were transported to the port where we boarded the Pride Of Aloha, Norwegian Cruise Line. The Pride of Aloha Cruise Ship is now the Norwegian Sky Cruise Ship, which we would recommend for your next vacation!
“Hawaii is not a state of mind, but a state of grace.”
“Did you know, the eight horizontal stripes on Hawaii’s flag represent each of the state’s main islands? In the upper-left corner of the flag is a small version of Britain’s flag which honors British captain George Vancouver, who gave Hawaii its first flag in 1794. When written with the English alphabet, Hawaiian uses only 12 letters and a symbol (‘). Oahu draws more visitors than any other island of Hawaii.” (50 Interesting Facts about Hawaii, Karin Lehnardt)

After leaving Oahu, our first island stop was Kauai. Kauai was a beautiful island which provided a beautiful landscape and waterfalls. Nancy and I decided to explore the island by taking the Heaven and Earth Quest helicopter tour.
The approximately forty-five minute helicopter tour was absolutely breathtaking and we would recommend this excursion to all of our readers!!
During our flight, we were able to enjoy the a birds eye view of the Na Pali Coastline, majestic waterfalls, and the absolutely breathtaking Kauai landscape. Amazing!!! After leaving the helicopter tour, we enjoyed an afternoon on the beach.

The next day we felt the need for more excitement! We decided to take a zip line excursion. First, we were given the do’s and don’t of zip lining instructions and fitted with all of our gear. We were transported by an open air jeep to the top of the mountain and we were off zip lining down the mountain.
The zip line excursion consisted of seven different zip lines that started at the top of the mountain, working our way down the mountain. We both enjoyed the excitement and beautiful views, while zip lining down the mountain. This tour was very thrilling and included all age groups.
We had newlyweds in there early twenties to a couple in there sixties. This was our first experience with zip lining but it will not be our last!! The guides/instructors were very helpful and were able to put any fears at ease.
Our next island stop was the beautiful island of Hilo. While in Hilo, we decided to take the Kilauea Lava Field expedition. “Did you know?? Because of its continuous volcanic eruptions, Hawaii is the only state in the nation to have an increasing land area.” (50 Interesting Facts about Hawaii, Karin Lehnardt)
During this expedition, Nancy and I were able to explore the lava tubes, which was a fun experience. We then took the walking (jogging) tour to the lava field. This tour is for the young at heart. This tour covered up to nine miles of walking in four hours.
Once we arrived to the lava field, we were able to take our time viewing the lava, which was a memorable experience. We knew it would be hot but wow. Liquid fire is HOT! This tour was very strenuous, we sat in the hot tub, back on the ship, for about one hour to relax our tired leg muscles.
Our next island stop was Kona. During our time in Kona, we were able to get some ocean time. We decided to take the Body Glove Snorkeling Tour. The catamaran which we boarded had a water slide, which both Nancy and I really enjoyed!! We also enjoyed live music and of course the snorkeling wasn’t bad either!
Our last island stop was Maui. Did you know, the island of Maui was named after the demigod who taught Hawaiians to make fire, invented spears, and created a giant fishhook from his dead grandmother’s jawbone? According to the legend, when he fished with the hook, he brought the Hawaiian Islands up from the sea. (50 Interesting Facts about Hawaii, Karin Lehnardt)
While at Maui, we rented a red convertible and we had a lot to see. Our first stop was the Haleakala volcano. The Haleakala volcano from sea level to the top is 10,000 feet.
The volcano offered beautiful views as we traveled toward the peak. As we got closer to the peak, we drove through the clouds and then were above the clouds. What a magnificent view! The top of the volcano offers a vast crater seven and a half miles long by two and a half miles wide, and 3,000 feet deep.
Our next adventure was our drive on the Road to Hana, which was spectacular, with many hair pin turns and one lane bridges! At one point during our drive, Nancy and I were able to get out of the vehicle and sit next to a waterfall. A beautiful moment for the both of us!!
Near the end of our drive, we came upon a man cutting pineapples. We purchased one from him and he cut it up for us to take for our drive back to the ship. A wonderful treat!
After our magnificent land tour, we dropped off our rental car and made our way back to the ship. We had one last excursion planned for Maui and it was a traditional Hawaiian luau.
As we got closer to the ship, we noticed that people were already lining up for the tour. We had exactly twenty minutes to get on the ship, shower, change, get off the ship, and make it to the tour line before the buses left. I don’t think we have ever gotten ready that fast. We did make it though and we sure were glad we did!
The luau was wonderful!! The luau was held at a hotel on a beach. Nancy and I walked down to the beach and were lucky enough to see a beautiful sunset. The luau was definitely a highlight of our vacation!
We enjoyed several free blue Hawaiian and fruit punch rum drinks before the luau. There were fire dancers as well as a beautifully cooked pig, which we watched as the pig emerged from the fire pit. We would definitely recommend a traditional Hawaiian luau to everyone!!
In closing, we would recommend everyone to visit the beautiful islands of Hawaii!! If we ever return, we will be sure to spend more than one week!! Happy Travels!!
Here are some additional interesting facts about Hawaii:
-Everyone is a minority in Hawaii—there are no racial majorities Haoles or Caucasians, constitute about 33% of the population, Japanese about 33%, Filipino-Americans about 16%, and Chinese-Americans about 5%. Most of the population has mixed ethnicities. (50 Interesting Facts about Hawaii, Karin Lehnardt)
-The average projected lifespan of those born in Hawaii in the year 2000 is 79.8 years (77.1 years if male; 82.5 if female), longer than the residents of any other state. (50 Interesting Facts about Hawaii, Karin Lehnardt)
-Hawaii is the only U.S. state that has tropical rain forests. Hawaii has its own time zone and does not observe Daylight Saving Time. (50 Interesting Facts about Hawaii, Karin Lehnardt)
-The popular T.V. series Lost is shot in Hawaii. At the end of the credits is a note thanking the “people of Hawaii and their Aloha Spirit.” (50 Interesting Facts about Hawaii, Karin Lehnardt)
For more travel guide and travel information about amazing Hawaii, visit their website @
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